Maryann Forrester

Maryann Forrester
aka Michelle Forbes

Saturday, March 5, 2011

People are just rude

I'm not perfect and I will be the first to admit that. I know my grammar needs work. But when I role play I'm in another world. My mind isn't set on making my words perfect. As long as the other one on the other end understands me. That is my first and only concern. Now when it does come to spelling and grammar I'm sorry I'm not perfect. I have a learning disability and it's not my fault. If anything it got alot better over the years. There are words that I find to this day I'm surprised I can spell. My parents come to me now for spelling. Which is sad but it's true even though they do know the answer. LOL

Well I would like to quote what this jerk said to me about an hour ago:

"I, unfortunately, can't delete you from my friends list.
Please delete me from yours.
I guess you didn't read my other journal or chose to ignore it.
Either way, Delete me off your friend's list

No offense but your annoying, not literate and you suck at spelling.
Role playing in journals is fucking retarded.
No, wait I hope you take offense.

So, Delete me, please."

There was a nicer way she could of said that. And there is a way to delete people on the site I was(am) on. It's not my fault she is lazy and too stupid to figure it out.

And the reason I haven't read her rules. One, if I can't find it I assume there are none. Two, she wouldn't tell me what her other character was. Most of the people I added when I first signed up I do look for rules. Also I just started a job and had to put the account on hiatus. But yeah no one reads my account either.

Now I just found out because I was trying to find a block button. She stole my character's abilities for her own down to the T. Time to make my profile private. What else is new?

You know what? I feel bad for those that do the Novella role play. Because I know for a fact (Done Novella before) the storyline goes no where. So naturally your going to be cranky and jealous because I don't sit there and whine and moan about spelling and grammar. Then you loose potential storylines for being such a grammar/ spell whore.

Role Playing is for fun. It's not school. So, you don't need to be perfect. THIS is why I have a hard time joining other Role plays where there are people I don't know.

Thanks for listening to my rant.

Monday, April 12, 2010

I'm not sorry

This girl has been attacking me on Facebook on and off. So, she posts in a group that is about her getting kicked off Facebook trashing me. Ok, so I got really upset and started deleting anyone that has her on their list. But it was hard because there are some really nice people and I broke down crying. I finally calmed down and brought out the big guns.

I told everyone this: I might be a traitor but atleast I never caused someone so much grief that they faked their own real life death at the cost they might loose their real life friends.

Well I didn't get a reply back until I was on my way to church and I sat there grinning like a Cheshire Cat. That was the best Revenge and sooo worth it. I don't care if God is mad at me for that she deserved every word.

When and if I should ever make up with her I will not tell her sorry because I AM NOT!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Just realized

I've been a vampire fanatic for 6-7 years. It all started with a show called Mad Mad House on Syfy. Vampire Don who is a great guy. If it wasn't for him I would have never got into Anne Rice and meet all the great people I had met during that time. It really opens my eyes alot to remember everything I did and realize it was vampires that started all the encouragement for my writing.

Thank you Don Henrie!

I would have never got into True Blood or Maryann Forrester if it wasn't for that sexy vamp man. ha ha ha ha ha.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Just a Sweet Sweet fantasy....

All it is, is a fantasy. One I live in everyday and every night. It seems I never leave the world of Role play. I'm always writing something about my characters and thinking of stories. But I love it. I think I'm the only student in my college classes that was happy to do a report or write something.

My muse has been awake for the last few days since it was asleep before.

I may not be the best writer but I'm a writer who writes whatever she can. Anytime I have a problem at home or with role play friends. A new character is created to make me feel better. It really does help. Who says you need Therapist/Psychologist to make you feel better? They only give you medicine to make you fat, lazy, and sick. Don't tell me they don't either I've seen it and I won't let it happen to me. I rather be insane than take anyone's legal drugs.

Writing is my therapy and if you don't like it...kiss my.....well you know.


First Post

This is one is just here for me to write anything and anything at all that is on my mind. The Review blog is just for reviews. So, here I can just write anything I want.

But I can't now.
