Maryann Forrester

Maryann Forrester
aka Michelle Forbes

Friday, April 2, 2010

Just a Sweet Sweet fantasy....

All it is, is a fantasy. One I live in everyday and every night. It seems I never leave the world of Role play. I'm always writing something about my characters and thinking of stories. But I love it. I think I'm the only student in my college classes that was happy to do a report or write something.

My muse has been awake for the last few days since it was asleep before.

I may not be the best writer but I'm a writer who writes whatever she can. Anytime I have a problem at home or with role play friends. A new character is created to make me feel better. It really does help. Who says you need Therapist/Psychologist to make you feel better? They only give you medicine to make you fat, lazy, and sick. Don't tell me they don't either I've seen it and I won't let it happen to me. I rather be insane than take anyone's legal drugs.

Writing is my therapy and if you don't like it...kiss my.....well you know.


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